A sharp explosive sound as from a gunshot or drawing a cork. 火炮或拔塞子发出的小而快的爆裂声。
There was an explosive sound over our heads. 头顶上一声爆炸声。
A noisy puffing or explosive sound, such as one made by a locomotive. The noise of the traffic worried her. 噗噗声一种嘈杂的噗噗或爆炸声,比如火车头发出的声音交通的嘈杂声使他不安。
The release of the chemicals makes an explosive popping sound, like a tiny bomb detonating. 该化学物质释放时会发出一阵很大的爆炸声,就像一个小炸弹被引爆了。
To produce a sharp often metallic explosive or percussive sound. 发出尖锐的声音通常是金属性的声音或者震音。
A sharp explosive sound ( especially the sound of a gun firing). 尖锐的爆炸声(特指枪开火的声音)。
In the cubic-stone deep-hole demolition, the non-electric plastic cartridge igniter V explosive initiation network is adopted. According to environmental conditions and a sound dose within 100 kg and two-side explosion were effectively directioned to the area the core place. 在石方深孔爆破中,采用非电塑料导爆管V型起爆网路,根据爆破的环境条件,有效地控制单响药量在100kg以内,并使两侧的爆堆指向爆区中心线处。
According to the peculiarity of explosive load in water, by use of the energy criterion and the sound wave approximate formula, the equivalent static loading on every layer of the wall that is produced by water pressure blasting is calculated in this paper. 根据水中爆炸荷载的特点,应用能量准则和声学近似公式,计算出水压爆破作用于构筑物每层壁的等效静载。
The Problem of Quick Burning and Explosive Sound for the Blasting Fuse 对导火索速燃及爆声问题的探讨
Presented in this paper is an experimental study of measurements of the bottom reflection loss by means of explosive sound sources in shallow sea regions with depths ranging from 40 to 90 metres and sediments of different types. 本文介绍在水深40&90米的浅海海域中三种类型沉积层海底上,用爆炸声源进行的海底反射损失的实验研究结果。
And it analyzed blasting maximum explosive single sound detonator quantity of the old dam demolition whether can meet the requirements of the safety operation of the dam and put forward the related proposals. 分析设计所提供的老坝拆除爆破最大单响药量是否满足坝体安全运行要求,并提出相关建议。